Agency Name Education for Sustainable Living Program
Categories Education, Environment & Nature
Contact Name Carmen Gutierrez
Agency Email
Agency Address Rachel Carson College, Room 203 1156 High Street Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Agency Phone (831) 459-1714
Web Address
Office Hours 9-5pm M-F
Distance from Campus On campus
Nearest Bus Lines Campus Bus Lines
Mission Statement The Education for Sustainable Living Program (ESLP) is a collaborative interdisciplinary effort to realize sustainable community throughout the University of California. Students participate in a weekly speaker series and form Action Research Teams (ARTs) in partnership with guest lecturers, faculty, administration, and community members to implement tangible change. Such experiential learning inspires participants to internalize the concept of sustainability, and carry it in practice beyond academia into greater society.
Volunteer Duties

ESLP is a student facilitated organization whose main objective is to put on an accredited student-facilitated course during spring quarter. Student organizers work all year to put together our Monday night lecture series, train facilitators, create curriculum, and spread the word about student empowerment and experiential education. Students can take

ESLP for 2 credits by attending our Monday night lecture series and participate in a discussion section. These student-led discussions meet to discuss the lecture series and other topics related to sustainability. Students have to apply at the end of the quarter.

Students can also take ESLP for 5 units by attending our Monday night lecture series and participate in an Action Research Team (ART). These student-facilitated seminars, themed according to their facilitators' area of expertise, explore various topics related to sustainability. Each ART will explore their individual topic throughout the quarter and create a related community-based project. Action Research Teams epitomize ESLP's values of experiential learning and student empowerment. Students must apply by the end of fall quarter each year.

Notes Updated 11/24/2018