Agency Name Student Health Outreach & Promotion (SHOP)
Categories Education,Medical & Wellness,Resource Center
Contact Name Meg Kobe
Agency Email
Agency Address UCSC Student Health Center
Agency Phone (831) 459-3772
Web Address
Office Hours M-F: 9-4:30 P.M.
Distance from Campus On campus
Nearest Bus Lines
Mission Statement SHOP is UCSC’s destination for information, conversation and self-exploration. It’s the place for students to go to learn about health and wellness in a safe, non- judgmental environment. SHOP provides opportunities for students to explore and enhance their health and wellness as they pursue their academic goals. 

SHOP offers information, education, resources and support on issues related to Alcohol and other Drugs; Sexually Transmitted Infections and Sexual Health; Sexual Assault Prevention and Education; Mental Health and other concerns relevant to college students.
Volunteer Duties SHOP trains UCSC student volunteers to become Sexual Health Peer Advocates (condom co-op and sexual health workshop facilitators), and Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Outreach Educators and Violence Prevention Educators.
Notes Updated 6/29/18