Established in 1977 Santa Cruz Barrios Unidos has since worked to restore peace and end structural violence in marginalized communities. As an organization they offer the greater Santa Cruz community a variety of long term solutions to deep rooted social issues. Some of the programs they offer include: the Juvenile Hall Transitional program, educational outreach, the Adult Re-Entry program and the Prison Project. These programs strive to give children and adults a chance out of the prison cycle by offering a sense of cultural pride and personal healing. Their work is not solely focused on preventing incarceration. They also hope to heal those already imprisoned through correspondence and special events. They’ve also presented at conferences focused on reforming the prison system. Barrios Unidos is threaded in the fabric of the Santa Cruz community. They offer a voice for the ostracized, and will be for generations to come.
Barrios Unidos
By Brianna Garcia, Winter 2019 Intern
February 28, 2019