Hunger and Homelessness

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Mission Statement

Santa Cruz County Office of Education Student Support Services  Children/Youth,Education,Hunger & Homelessness,Legal Services,Medical & Wellness,Mental Health,Resource Center,Women  Through the understanding of youth development, we honor every student’s indivi... 
Santa Cruz County Volunteer Center  Addiction,Animals,Arts & Culture, Children/Youth ,Disabilities,Education, Elderly,Environment & Nature,Government,Hunger & Homelessness,International,Legal Services,Literacy,Medical & Wellness,Mental Health,Political,Resource Center,Women  To promote volunteerism throughout the community and to maintain a wide variety... 
Santa Cruz Veterans Resource Center  Hunger & Homelessness,Mental Health,Resource Center  We work hard for veteran families and can offer financial assistance and suppor... 
Second Harvest Food Bank-CalFresh Program  Government,Hunger & Homelessness,International,Legal Services,Literacy,Medical & Wellness,Mental Health,Political  The mission of Second Harvest is to end hunger and malnutrition by educating an... 
Seniors Council  Disabilities,Elderly,Hunger & Homelessness,Legal Services,Medical & Wellness,Mental Health,Resource Center  It is the mission of the Seniors Council to enable older persons to function wi... 
St. Francis Catholic Kitchen Hunger and Homelessness The St. Francis Catholic Kitchen and Jesus Mary Joseph Home mission in Santa Cruz
 is an expression of the teachings of St. Francis of Assisi...
Tree of Life Center US.  Addiction,Animals,Arts & Culture,Children/Youth,Education,Environment & Nature,Hunger & Homelessness,International,Medical & Wellness,Mental Health,Women  The Tree of Life Foundation and Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center serve to hold ... 
UCSC Campus United Way Campaign  Children/Youth,Education,Hunger & Homelessness,Medical & Wellness  The United Way of Santa Cruz County’s mission is to mobilize our county’s resid... 
UCSC Zero Waste Team Education,Environment & Nature,Hunger & Homelessness  We are a collaborative group of students, staff, faculty, and community members... 
World Food Program USA  Hunger & Homelessness,International  World Food Program USA is a US-based non-profit organization dedicated to build...