Agency Name Alum Rock Counseling Center
Categories Children/Youth
Contact Name Celina Chun
Agency Email

Agency Address

1245 East Santa Clara St. San Jose CA, 95116

Agency Phone (408) 294-2451
Web Address
Office Hours M-Th 8am-8pm, F 8am-6pm
Distance from Campus 40 miles/one hour
Nearest Bus Lines  n/a
Mission Statement Since 1974, the Alum Rock Counseling Center (ARCC) has addressed the damage of family conflict, school failure and delinquency among high-risk youth, producing responsible community members and a healthier, more vibrant East San Jose. ARCC offers practical, proven solutions to families when and where they need them most. Programs are distinctively tailored to the needs of east San Josè families, and provide a personal touch in addition to professional expertise. The ARCC aims to create "responsible adults from East San Jose’s highest risk youth." ARCC is proud to be a United Way-member agency.
Volunteer Duties

Donating six to eight hours a month, spread over the course of one academic school year (August-June), through a combination of phone calls, face-to-face time and group activities. Volunteers must submit a monthly report via email, attend mentor training workshops, participate in group activities with other mentors and mentees, and donate time to community service projects and events sponsored throughout the year (such as ice-skating, movie night, GS Warriors game, beach trips, etc.) Volunteers can participate in the individual mentoring program or group mentoring program. The group mentoring program requires a minimum of 5 hours a month. Volunteers meet at Ocala Middle School every other Thursday from 1:30-3pm to help with school activities. Email or call for more information about this program. ARCC accepts applicants year-round, but prefers the academic school year.

Notes  Updated 3/15/2020